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Carl Lang

"The Mystifier"

Helping you to check out other material

 “Hi, I’m Carl! In order to help you get the most out of these pages, I would like to make a suggestion. On the bottom of this page is a section called “Tools and Resources”.  Here you will find some featured publications that might prove helpful to you. Just click on any item that interests you for more detailed information. Some are “FREE”  and some have a”Charge” connected to them. Check them out.You’ll be glad you did.

Tools and Resources…

Grab Your Resources Now!

"Spectacular Event Success Planning Guide!"

“Every one wants “Tools” that make life easier!” Very few want more work or reading! It’s THAT simple! The good news is; The Power of  the Spectacular Event Planning Guide!” is in its super simplicity! It is a simple, yet amazingly effective “Fill In The Blank, Check Off a Few Boxes and you’re DONE!” type tool that is EASY TO USE! – Grab YourSpectacular Event Success Planning Guide HERE!

"Common Cents Debt Elimination"

How would you like to Learn a step-by-step method of eliminating all your debts, Do this in approximately 7-10 years and Doing this without a second job and no major sacrifices, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read. Here’s why:

You will learn how to get out of debt at your current income level. Next, you’ll begin an investment program that will protect your money while making it grow for your financial independence and retirement.    Grab Your “Common Cents Debt Elimination” Manual HERE!


"Ten Things To know About Before Hiring An Entertainer"

 It is questions like these that prompted me to write this report.  Having been in the entertainment industry for 35+ years, I have seen event planners make MAJOR mistakes that could have very easily been avoided by asking a few simple questions up front BEFORE the day of the event!  Grab Your “Ten Things To Know About Before Hiring An Entertainer” Report HERE!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Planning Your Own Successful Event …Today!

Contact Carl Lang

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    See More Impact Magic…

    with the amazing Hilton Head / Savannah-based magician    Carl Lang LIVE.

    A wonderful mix of comedy, mystery stunts, and amazing magical acts. You can expect lots of audience participation in this one-of-a-kind show, designed to thrill you with impossible stunts that push the limits of the human mind and body. Show designed to play big even on a small stage.

    Visual Illusions
    Audience Participation
    Slight of Hand
    Mind Matter Mystery
    and More